An email bulletin from the CBE for Key Communicators & School Council Chairs, to be shared with school councils and parent communities.
System Meeting is Next Week!Safety and Security in Schools: Presentation by Janice Richardson, System Assistant Principal of School and Community Supports
The CBE Parent Portal: Presented by Cindy Seibel, Director of Information Technology Services
When: April 8th, 2009 registration begins at 6:00 p.m. Meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. (Join us for cake and coffee before the meeting begins to show our appreciation for your great work!)
Where: John G. Diefenbaker High School (6620 - 4 Street N.W.)
Area V MeetingThursday, April 16
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Area V Conference Room (Haysboro Centre) 1123 - 87 Avenue S.W.
Student Accommodation and Transportation
Waiver of Student Fees:With the elimination of Alberta Health Care (AHC) premiums this year, the CBE had to review its processes for determining which families are eligible for a waiver of student fees (before the elimination of premiums, eligibility included the application and approval of families whose AHC premiums were subsidized).
The new waiver application process for parents is as follows. Parents are encouraged to complete an 'Application for Waiver of Fee(s) form if any of these situations apply (proper documentation must be included in the application):
- They receive assistance from Provincial Social Services;
- They are low income but not on Provincial Social Services. New this year, applicant must provide a copy of their Alberta Works Child Health Benefit card and letter confirming renewal for the applicable school year;
- They are Government Sponsored Conventional Refugees; or
- They are Treaty Status families.
- Please note that to qualify for a waiver of student transportation fees, students must meet the CBE transportation eligibility requirements.
WorldSkills Calgary 2009:The CBE's Worldskills website is continually being updated as we receive more information regarding our schools and this exciting event. You can
check it out here or visit the
WorldSkills Calgary 2009 homepage at
You may contact
Marsha Levy at with any questions you may have that have not been addressed on these websites.
Key Communiqué Archives:If you ever need to find information from previous issues of the Key Communiqué, they are all archived on the CBE Parent Page under the School Councils section.
Click here to find them.
Barbara Coloroso Comes to Calgary:Just a reminder that
April 20th, 2009 world renowned author and parenting expert Barbara Coloroso is coming to Calgary for a truly insightful evening. She will be discussing the topic of Bullying and the three roles that are played in the process: the bully, the bullied and the bystander.
The event will take place at First Alliance Church (12345 40th Street S.E.) and doors open at 6:30 p.m. For more information, visit
CAPSC is Calgary’s citywide, public school parent association. CAPSC’s primary goal is to keep parents up to date and involved in their children’s education, and to help make individual school’s Parent Councils as effective as possible. CAPSC provides parents with resources, learning and sharing opportunities, and representation of parent concerns to the CBE and all levels of government. For more information or to subscribe to their newsletter,
School Council DevelopmentSchool Council Development (SCD) provides workshops and resource materials to assist school councils.
School Council Development provides the following services:
- Workshops for school councils anywhere in Alberta
- Toll Free School Council Consultation Line - 1-800-661-3470
- Instructor training to deliver workshops to school councils
- Resource manual and materials for school council
Alberta EducationSchool Council Resource Manual Contact Information
Katie Young, BPR
Parent/School Communications Specialist
Calgary Board of Education
T (403) 294-8566
F (403) 294-8172
515 Macleod Tr. SE
Calgary, AB T2G 2L9
We are always looking for ways to improve communication so if you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to email them to me.
School Council Website & Hotline:
The School Council website is a great resource for information. Check it out at I have also been regularly updating our Key Communicator and School Council Chair Hotline. If ever you don’t have access to a computer but want to find what is going on, call 403-294-8244.