One of the most significant ways parents and community
members can make a meaningful difference in the lives of our students is
through school councils.
AGM will be on Monday, September 18, 2017.
The meeting will be held at 6:30 pm in the learning commons.
All parents/ guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Testimonials from some of our members:
meetings gives me a voice on how funds raised should be allocated towards my
child’s education.”
Being a
part of the School Council is a great way to build the relationship between my
family and the administrative staff.”
“I love
attending the meetings because I receive school news directly from the source
as soon as it comes out.”
“I have
gained new community friends from being a part of the Parent Association. I
love going out after the meetings with some of the parents to visit!”
I work full time and cannot volunteer on a regular basis, being a member of the
PA is a way for me to be involved within the school community.”
Please contact us today to get
involved! Email: