Friday, February 5, 2010

Subscription Services

We've been trying to find ways to promote the blog and increase awareness for parents. We try to post a few articles every day but some days there are more (or fewer) than others. A number of followers of the blog have shown an interest in getting email updates whenever there are new posts.

This has proven to be a little tougher than you would think. In the interest of protecting email accounts from spam we have been very reticent to start third-party lists or use some other common tools of notification.

We may now have the perfect tool. 'Feedburner' is a Google run application that among other things allows us to create a subscription service. You may have already noticed a new box on the right hand side of the front page where you can enter your email to obtain a subscription.

We don't get your 'eddress' and there is no 'email list' generated for notification. There is simply a daily email generated (if there are new posts) that goes out to subscribers.

So the best way to make sure you don't miss an entry on the Haultain Parents Blog is to sign up for the subscription, you will only get one email per day, your email address is protected, and you can unsubscribe any time you want.

After you subscribe and you start getting the emails (it can take a couple of days to start), click on the links in the email to visit the blog and add comments as you normally would. Let me know if there are any problems that arise.

Thanks for helping us make the blog a successful communication tool.

Note: for those e-savvy followers who use a reader, you can scroll down the page to find our 'chicklet'.

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