(Shane and I have been talking about Facebook a little recently, so when this article appeared on the Calgary Herald site, I thought it might make for an interesting read for Haultain parents.)
To friend or not to friend is the big question facing many parents dealing with teenagers on Facebook.
Three quarters of parents questioned in a Nielsen survey said they are friends with their children on the popular social networking website which boasts 500 million active users. But a third admitted they are worried they are not seeing everything their children are doing on the web.
Read the full story here.
I see Facebook as just another way of connecting. Its the human condition to be social and its only natural to find and use different ways of communicating that connection. Especially for the younger generation; this is another tool in the evolving understanding of relationships. The trick is establishing limits, just like in every other form of friendship connection. My parents wouldn't have let me talk on the (rotary) phone for hours at a time or party every night of the week, just as I won't let my kids spend hours at a time on Facebook. Different medium; same rules.