Monday, April 15, 2013

Staff Appreciation Lunch: Help Needed!!!

Parents: Your Assistance is Required!

It’s that time of year when we show our appreciation for our staff. Friday, April 26th is the date set for our Staff Appreciation Luncheon this year. In the past, parents have contributed their family favourites to create a hearty & sumptuous feast. If you haven’t time to cook or bake perhaps you could volunteer for set up or clean up duty.

Please let Tammy Campsall know what you can prepare at


  1. I'm in.
    What an easy way to show my thanks for dealing with my child on their good and not so good days.

  2. Could still use more help with this from what I understand. Tell your friends.... it doesnt have to be anything huge. A small salad, an appetizer, cut up fruit.
