Friday, January 17, 2014

Plan to Attend the Next HMS School Council & Parent Association Meeting!

 Next Tuesday, January 21 at 6:30 pm, is Haultain Memorial's School Council and Parent Association meeting. The evening will take place in our school library and every parent is encouraged to attend. It will be a casual, welcoming environment where, during the first part of the evening, school issues will be discussed between the administration, staff and parents. The second half of the meeting will address fundraising and how funds should be spent in our school.

There has never been a more crucial time to get involved as a parent at Haultain, while we undergo uncertainty of the long term plan for administration at the school. Furthermore, the funds raised by the Parent Association go towards a variety of essentials like computers, field trips, smart boards, sporting equipment, agendas, library books, special programs, etc.. It is up to YOU, the parent, to decide where to spend the funds.

With the stepping down of the Association and Council Chair this month, next week's meeting will also address the new positions that must be filled. It is absolutely crucial we have a dedicated and committed group of parents to maintain our gaming license, which provides an enormous amount of dollars for our school. At the very least, plan to attend the meeting simply as a parent.

We need you.

We look forward to seeing you Tuesday night at 6:30 pm in the library!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget the casual drinks after all business is done for any that wish.
