Thank you to everyone who came to the council and PA meetings last night. As usual we got through them very quickly at one hour each. Some highlights:
Mr Barkley presented the PAT scores and though there are a couple of areas where Haultain has shown a reduced level of excellence, overall we are showing some great results. For more information on the PAT results stay tuned to the blog and the newsletters from the school. There will be individual results available soon and the school will be actively analyzing all results to see if adjustments need to be made. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know and we'll ask Mr. Barkley to extend explanations at the next meeting.
Ms. Summers presented a quick synopsis of the last PD day for us. Math is going to be a particular focus at the school across the grades. The teachers will be working together to identify challenges and techniques in line with the math curricula. They will have regular meetings during each of the extended lunches to streamline their efforts.
Mrs. Sarginson was also present to personally thank all the parents at Haultain for their generous support of the MTS students and staff... and I got a hug.
A CEOPs general update and discussion of the latest Focus meeting was presented as well. There is a lot of information regarding the process available and the CBE will shortly be posting the comments and notes from the Conversation Cafe held at Haultain. We will provide the link on the website as soon as we get it.
Our new Fund Raising Coordinator will be pursuing our first venture shortly with a catalogue sales initiative. Please keep an eye on the blog for her post which will explain the effort in detail.
We have 20 replies to the latest micro-survey, if you haven't had a chance to complete it, please go here and give us your input. Don't forget to click the 'submit' button at the end. You can review all the micro-surveys here as well.
Thanks again to all who attended last night.
Thanks for the update Shane. I wasn't able to attend yesterday, so it was nice to get such timely info.