Parents wishing to write cheques can make them out to the Canadian Red Cross. Any cash brought in by students is gathered by Mrs. Kipp, who then will cut a school cheque to the Red Cross. When kids bring in money, they receive a “hand” for each dollar they donate, the hands are then posted in the foyer with the donator’s name on it.
Help out any way you can with this tremendous effort and let's plaster the walls of Haultain with Helping Hands.
Congratulations to Mrs. Rupert and Mrs. Gannon's class and to all the students of Haultain Memorial. I was struggling, as were many people, about exactly how to help with the Haiti tragedy. Without sounding too sappy, what a joy to follow the childrens lead! A global village at work, you should all be very proud! I know I am! Keep those donations coming!