Friday, June 22, 2012


The seeds of Haultain have sprouted!  On Thursday, June 21, the kindergartners had a little celebration in the gym, recognizing their growth this past year, as well as their up and coming advancement into grade one.  Parents, grandparents and guardians were entertained by two songs, "We'll be Going Off to Grade One Pretty Soon" and "Kindergarten, Kindergarten."  Each child had their moment in the spot light as they were individually introduced by their teacher, while pictures of them were projected on a large screen.  Highlights of their year were also shown on the screen, including what they learned during the past school year and what they aspire to be when they grow up.  Thank you Ms. Kerr and Mrs. Dobson for a heart warming performance by our little seedlings.  They are sprouting into beautiful flowers that will brighten the classrooms of grades to come at Haultain Memorial School!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the lovely kindergarten celebration news Roxane! Mrs. Kerr and I have had a fun year of learning with the kindergarten class of 2011-2012. They are ready to step into Grade One with confidence and a desire to learn. We appreciate the support of all our parent volunteers and wish you all a wonderful summer! Mrs. Dobson
