Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Save the Planet Effect

"When we all do one act, we act as one. That's the save the planet effect."

Every day there is another news story about the dire condition of our planet's future. Our children are growing up with a different fear than we did. We faced the possibility of the 'end of days' during the cold war, our kids are faced with a rapidly aging planet caused by human interference.


Just as when we were younger there is much for our children to hope for. From emerging technologies and new ways of thinking there is a growing effort to rectify this mess so that our kids will inherit a greener earth. From the huge carbon reductions incentives of government to the small job of changing to different light bulbs -the times are changing. With that in mind, here is a web site that will challenge you every day to do what is right for the environment. is a gathering place for people who are making a difference.

It started as a challenge to Canadians on the CBC show "The Hour". The challenge was to perform and log one million 'acts of green'. Acts that will help to reduce green house gases. They reached the million mark quickly and there is presently a log of over 1.2 million acts reducing greenhouse gases by an estimated 72 million Kg.

Join up and start logging your efforts at reduction today.

If people are interested we can even create a common account and challenge others to a reduction goal. Let me know what you think.

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