Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Trustees Visit Haultain Memorial

Five Calgary Board of Education Trustees visited Haultain Memorial on Tuesday, January 19 as part of the community engagement process. The visit helped build understanding and inform the Trustees in regards to the consideration for closure of Queensland Downs School.

Carol Bazinet, Karen Kryczka, George Lane, Pamela King, and Lynn Ferguson, took time to tour both HMS and Queensland Downs on Tuesday afternoon. During their visit to Haultain, Trustees commented on the warm and inviting feel of the building, the pristine condition of the facility, and the challenges inherent in the closure process. Issues such as site security, student accessibility, and gym availability were questioned and addressed and Trustees were able to see, first hand, that the building is accessible to all students, regardless of physical ability, and a plan is in place for student security.

It is important to note that the Trustees take the closure process extremely seriously and took time to physically visit both schools to help inform their decision. Seeing both sites in person allowed them to evaluate the current, and potential future situation, and address and dispel some rumours that might have arisen through the public consultation process. The consideration for closure of Queensland Downs will be debated at the Board of Trustees meeting on February 2, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is really good that the trustees physically tour the schools to see for themselves as school closure is a very important consideration and being informed of all aspects and consequences of such a decision is equally important. Thanks Trevor for keeping us up to date on this.
