Monday, May 11, 2009

Micro Survey #3: Results

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the latest survey. A tough question with many factors and affecting guiding principles involved. Some very thoughtful comments were contributed as well, some of which I've posted here. The question; "Do you think parents should be specifically informed when evolution is being taught in school?" The results: Yes 68% and No 32%, comments:

- If we need to be informed about evolution, we should also be informed when creationism is being taught.They are both theories and no evidence enough to support either.

- I caught a conversation about this bill on 1010 yesterday and I would not hogtie my kids' teachers that way. Even if I were to hold a different opinion than what was being taught I would be grateful to the educational system for broaching the subject and opening the door for an intellectual family conversation.

- I think if parents need to know when evolution is taught it gives them a reason to sit their kids out and if that's the case then those children should go to a catholic school or a school that teaches creationism.

Thanks again everyone for putting some thought into this and sharing your conclusions.

For more on this, the actual Bill (#44) is here, the education part starts on page 8, and this link (Google news), will show you the latest news about the bill from various perspectives. There is a lot to this issue and I would love to hear any more thoughts you have about Bill 44 - leave a comment!


  1. Wow, very interesting results and comments!

  2. How many people took part in this survey?

  3. I'm still loving these surveys, Shane!

  4. We have been getting 40 - 50 responses to the surveys.
