Monday, March 21, 2011

Are stay-at-home moms any happier?

According to writer Katy Read - who blogs at What I Should Be Doing Instead - being a stay-at-home mother isn't all roses. Here, she describes the highs and lows and offers some advice for any women considering a similar choice.

Read her full story here.

1 comment:

  1. the writer mentions how you will miss out on raises, promotions and being able to get back into your career. But she fails to mention the effects of having strangers raise your children and all the lack of mother or father support closeness and the wonderful feeling of raising your own flesh and blood. we as adults seem to over look the fact that our children too are paying the price for women who have decided that a career is more important. and again i am not talking about families who need to have 2 incomes or are single parenting.If you read her article carefully you will see through the line and realise that she regrets her choice. money money it's all about money all the time. we live in such a materialistic society we sometimes forget the important things. our amazing children that need their mothers to teach them and guide them in those early years of life.
