Monday, March 14, 2011

CAPSC Annual General Meeting . . .What is CAPSC anyway?

I am learning so much in the role as Key Communicator for Haultain Parent Council. The biggest thing I have learned is that I need to learn to communicate. The problem for me is that there is so much information, I get overwhelmed when I have to relay this information.

As of 3 meetings ago, I had only a very, very basic understanding of what CAPSC is. It is the Calgary Association of Parents and School Councils. Basically it is you and your council's representation and advocate in matters being discussed amongst parents at the Calgary Board of Education and in the media. They host many forums, speakers, and committees relevant to you and your children. The most recent meeting was the CAPSC Annual General Meeting.

The first half of the meeting was an update on the Action on Inclusion plan, presented by (Director, Action on Inclusion) and Anne Davidson (Project Manager, Action on Inclusion) Alberta Education. My understanding of this plan is basic, here's a rundown. In 2007, a review of the processes and funding for students with disabilities began. A steering committee surveyed over 6000 Albertans which resulted in a Direction Framework. Although originally focusing on students with disabilities, the vision shifted to "One inclusive system, where each student is successful." This means changing the curriculum and how it is delivered. It will effect such things as how students are assessed and coded, how teachers are educated and technical support in school and classrooms. Pretty important things effecting pretty important people.

Check out the links above and post your comments and questions, especially your questions! This would really improve my communication skills and sorting through this information overload! You may think that many of the topics don't relate to you, but the one topic that does may be significant.

Posted by Shona!

Next Blog: Why is there a LAWN in the library and do I really have to buy my kid a laptop?

1 comment:

  1. Your enthusiasm is tangible. Thank you for attending the meetings and reporting back to our school community. Many parent councils are not fortunate enough to have key communicators. WE at Haultain are lucky to have such diligent and supportive volunteers. I can't wait to see your next post!
